構造体定義書 JavaDoc 仕様書



typedef struct match_data




No. 名称 属性説明
  errorcode int As it says
  offset_vector int * Offset vector
  offset_end int One past the end
  offset_max int The maximum usable for return data
  lcc const uschar * Points to lower casing table
  ctypes const uschar * Points to table of type maps
  offset_overflow BOOL Set if too many extractions
  notbol BOOL NOTBOL flag
  noteol BOOL NOTEOL flag
  utf8 BOOL UTF8 flag
  endonly BOOL Dollar not before final \n
  notempty BOOL Empty string match not wanted
  start_pattern const uschar * For use when recursing
  start_subject const uschar * Start of the subject string
  end_subject const uschar * End of the subject string
  start_match const uschar * Start of this match attempt
  end_match_ptr const uschar * Subject position at end match
  end_offset_top int Highwater mark at end of match

See Also

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