構造体定義書 仕様書作成ツール【A HotDocument】



struct symbol_root




No. 名称 属性説明
  format int Data format version
  length int # bytes in this symbol segment
  ldsymoff int Offset in ld symtab of this file's syms
  textrel int Relocation for text addresses
  datarel int Relocation for data addresses
  bssrel int Relocation for bss addresses
  filename char * Name of main source file compiled
  filedir char * Name of directory it was reached from
  blockvector blockvector * Vector of all symbol-naming blocks
  typevector typevector * Vector of all data types
  language language Code identifying the language used
  version char * Version info. Not fully specified
  compilation char * Compilation info. Not fully specified
  databeg int Address within the file of data start
  bssbeg int Address within the file of bss start
  sourcevector sourcevector * Vector of line-number info

See Also

目次 | ファイル一覧 | 関数一覧 | ネームスペース一覧 | クラス一覧 | #define一覧 | マクロ一覧 | 外部変数一覧 | 構造体一覧 | 共用体一覧 | 列挙体一覧 | Const一覧 | 索引 | サイドメニュー