構造体定義書 仕様書作成ツール【A HotDocument】



should be identical, except for str_ptr

struct stab




No. 名称 属性説明
stab  should be identical, except for str_ptr
  str_ptr STBP * pointer to malloced string
  str_len STRLEN allocated size
  str_nval double numeric value, if any
  str_useful long is this search optimization effective?
  str_args ARG * list of args for interpreted string
  str_hash HASH * string represents an assoc array (stab?)
  str_array ARRAY * string represents an array
  str_cmd CMD * command for this source line
  stb_stab STAB * magic stab for magic "key" string
  stb_stash HASH * which symbol table this stab is in
  str_cur STRLEN length of str_ptr as a C string
  str_magic STR * while free, link to next free str
  str_pok unsigned char state of str_ptr
  str_nok unsigned char state of str_nval
  str_rare unsigned char used by search strings
  str_state unsigned char one of SS_* below
  str_tainted bool 1 if possibly under control of $<

See Also

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