構造体定義書 仕様書作成ツール【A HotDocument】



typedef struct glosym




No. 名称 属性説明
  link glosym * Next symbol hash bucket.
  name char * Name of this symbol.
  value long Value of this symbol
  refs localsymbol_t * Chain of local symbols from object
  sorefs localsymbol_t * Same for local symbols from shared
  warning char * message, from N_WARNING nlists
  common_size int Common size
  symbolnum int Symbol index in output symbol table
  rrs_symbolnum int Symbol index in RRS symbol table
  def_lsp localsymbol_t * The local symbol that gave this
  defined char Definition of this symbol
  so_defined char Definition of this symbol in a shared
  undef_refs u_char Count of number of "undefined"
  mult_defs u_char Same for "multiply defined" symbols
  alias glosym * For symbols of type N_INDR, this
  setv_count int Number of elements in N_SETV symbols
  size int Size of this symbol (either from N_SIZE
  aux int Auxiliary type information conveyed in
  jmpslot_offset long  
  gotslot_offset long  
  flags long  

See Also

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