構造体定義書 仕様書作成ツール【A HotDocument】



struct you




No. 名称 属性説明
  ux, uy xchar  
  dx, dy, dz schar direction of move (or zap or ... )
  di schar direction of FF
  ux0, uy0 xchar initial position FF
  udisx, udisy xchar last display pos
  usym char usually '@'
  uluck schar  
  last_str_turn   0: none, 1: half turn, 2: full turn
  udispl unsigned @ on display
  ulevel unsigned 1 - 14
  uhorizon unsigned  
  utrap unsigned trap timeout
  utraptype unsigned defined if utrap nonzero
  uinshop   used only in shk.c - (roomno+1) of shop
  u.uprops[TELEPAT].p_flgs #define FAST (LAST_RING+1) #define Fast u.uprops[FAST].p_flgs #define CONFUSION (LAST_RING+2) #defin    
  usick_cause char *  
  uprops[LAST_RING+10] prop  
  uswallow unsigned set if swallowed by a monster
  uswldtim unsigned time you have been swallowed
  uhs unsigned hunger state - see hack.eat.c
  ustr,ustrmax schar  
  udaminc schar  
  uac schar  
  uhp,uhpmax int  
  ugold,ugold0,uexp,urexp long int  
  uhunger int refd only in eat.c and shk.c
  uinvault int  
  ustuck monst *  
  nr_killed[CMNUM+2] int used for experience bookkeeping

See Also

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